The summer has come and gone, the numbers have peaked and dipped, measures have been instated, withdrawn and reinstated… and now autumn is upon us. Traditionally, the Enriched Bread artists collective that I am now a member of, organises its yearly Open Studio event in October.
But should we open up in this year of Corona? After exploring the different scenario’s in which we could open, or maybe not open on top of a heated debate about the pro’s and cons of opening or staying closed, it was decided to remain closed to the public. Instead, we reach out to our community online and through curbside pick up!
Enter the box, our curbside pick up project for this years’ “Open Studio” Every member who is willing - that turned out to be nineteen in total - donates ten artworks to the box. They range from prints to photographs to parts of installations to original artworks and fit in a 30 x 30 x 12 cms / 12 x 12 x 5 inch box. My contribution is ten 20 x 12 cms/ 8 x 5 inches original ink drawings! Added to the box will be vouchers from our local sponsors, many of whom have supported the EBA in the past and were happy to contribute in a way that helps both the EBA and them.
Boxes can be ordered per email as from the first of October onward. Are you really curious and really interested, shoot me a message through this website!
Online, we will treat the art scene of Ottawa with a virtual vernissage - an unveiling of our online releases, the box, the work we have installed for our online projects, the 360 panorama project that will find it’s place on our, then also to be unveiled, new website. This will happen on October 15th, with various special events happening in the digital realm - on youtube, facebook live, zoom and of course on our website, on the 17th, the 23d and the 25th of October. These will include a walkthrough of the exhibition, poetry written for our artists by an Ottawan poet, a video made especially for this occasion by the original founder of the EBA, and an artists’ Q&A for and by a teacher at the Ottawa school of Art and his students. So mark your calendars and tune in!
Enriched bread artists’ website