Exhibition overview:
Enriched Bread Artists, Ottawa, Canada, group, March (for real) and October (online) 2020 MyMicrogallery, Milan Italy, group, October 2019 Onishi Project gallery, New York, USA, group, june 2019 Enriched Bread Artists, Ottawa, Canada, group, june 2019 La Nef Art Contemporain, Le Noirmont. Cantonale Berne-Jura, group, december2018-january 2019 Galerie le Caveau, Saint Ursanne, Switserland, solo, july 2018
Onishi Project gallery, New York, USA, group, june 2018
MyMicrogallery, Milan, Italy, february 2018
Zhang's studio, Song Zhuang, Beijing, China, group, 2013
Galerie Clement, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, group, 2010
Lucas Schelkens Art and interior Studio, Amsterdam, duo, 2010
CHIC Art Dessin fair Paris, France, with Galerie d'Ys from Brussels, group, 2010
Young Dutch Masters @ Auction, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, group, 2010
Art Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with the TH Gallery, group, 2010
TH Gallery, The Hague, the Netherlands, duo, 2008
TH Galley, The Hague, the Netherlands, group, 2007
Theaterplan Eindhoven, the Netherlands, for their project "Mistero Buffo" solo, 2007
Alternative Art Fair Cologne, Germany, with gallery Goncourt, group, 2005
Riff Raff Urban arts event, The Hague, the Netherlands, life painting and group exhibition, 2005
Gallery Goncourt, The Hague, the Netherlands, group, 2005
Gallery Goncourt, The Hague, the Netherlands, group, 2004
Appel Theatre, The Hague, the Netherlands, for their "Tantalus" theatre marathon, solo, 2004
Gallery Goncourt moved to Amsterdam and is now H.E.R.O. art gallery
Gallery d'YS is still going strong in Brussels
Regretfully, Gallery Clement in Amsterdam and the TH gallery in the Hague have had to close their doors, for various reasons.
Lucas Schelkens went back to his great love, Los Angeles, where he founded Joannes Lucas, a design and art studio.
Commisioned works include:
Several murals, all private commissions. Design for snowboards and t-shirts for Australian based snowboard manufacturer Valhalla Snowboards. Snowboard and T-shirt design for wepowder.nl Illustrations for the dutch magazine ‘lover’, for the Swiss embassy in London, Theatre ‘De Appel’ in The Hague, Wepowder magazine, and several personal projects including a poetry book and illustrations for websites.
Artist's CV:
1982 – 1989 Gymnasium Camphusianum in the small town of Gorinchem.
1989 – 1993 Academy of art in Arnhem, now Artez, autonomous and graphical arts.
Published three comics in the comics magazine Striptuur
1993 – 1995 Academy of art in Tilburg, animation, cartooning and autonomous arts
Participated in the collective project “Kleur bekennen” an art animation film produced by
The Anne Frank foundation
Received second prize for the script and storyboard for a call for artists at the first Utrecht animation festival 1995 – 1999 Freelance storyboard and cartoon artist. Did several storyboards for advertising agencies and a feature film. ("de tasjesdief" amongst others)
1999 – 2002 Assistant manager at Snowplanet, a fulltime job at an indoor skiing resort near Amsterdam.
This job encompassed hiring and training employees, solving operational problems as they arose, taking care of the financial administration of the bar and banquet halls, developing sales strategies together with and under supervision of the manager of Snowplanet.
Left art behind for a while.
2003 – today Autonomous artist, accredited as such by the The Hague arts council Stroom.
2011 - 2015 lived and worked in Beijing, China.
Currently living and working in Ottawa, Canada.
Acknowledged by and member of the Swiss organisation for women artists SGBK
Speaks Dutch fluently and English quite well, speaks quite some German and a little French and a very tiny tidbit (just a dropdrop) of Chinese.