Hello autumn! How are you? Suitably firey yellow I see..
The site got updated with some new drawings, there are new Hannah Arendts, new Monkey Kings and a few Nobodies remembering that uploaded to the site, and some old ones deleted to maintain order and calm.
I uploaded only new drawings -and then only some, there are far more new works but not all fit for my website at this time- as the painting has been going decidedly slowly this summer. I am in between transitions I feel, and searching for ways to make my paintings stronger, but so far, nothing came out on linen strong enough, in my opinion.
The autumn proves to be calm and slow flowing though, and I am getting quite some days in at the studio (four days a week at the moment, which is heaven!) so I expect to be able to proclaim some of the five paintings that are strewn about in my studio as "finished" soon.